
Explore our curated list of resources to help you learn and grow in various domains.

CSoC 2024

πŸš€ Week 0: Introduction to Machine Learning and Python

Kickstart your journey into Machine Learning with Python! In Week 0, we covered:

🎯 Task 0: Apply ML concepts and perform Exploratory Data Analysis on real-life datasets.
View detailed resources and tasks on Notion

πŸš€ Week 1: Dive into Neural Networks and ML Frameworks

Explore the fundamentals of Neural Networks and dive into popular ML frameworks! In Week 1, we covered:

🎯 Task 1: Build your own NN from scratch using your knowledge of math and coding.
View detailed resources and tasks on Notion

πŸš€ Week 2: Frameworks for Machine Learning

Master the foundational ML frameworks! In Week 2, we covered:

🎯 Task: Build your own NN using either PyTorch or TensorFlow.
View detailed resources and tasks on Notion

πŸš€ Week 3: Domain Selection for Specialization

Choose a domain to focus on for the next two weeks! The options include:

All domain-specific resources and guidance are provided on Notion.
View the domain selection guide on Notion

πŸš€ Week 4: Final Week - Project Development

Continue exploring and refining your project in the domain selected during Week 3. Use this week to consolidate your knowledge and complete your project.

All domain-specific resources and guidance are provided on Notion.
View the final week guide on Notion

Let’s embark on this focused learning journey together!
Happy learning!