Git and Github

Due Date


Git is a very popular version control system(VCS), used in Open Source Development. It is a crucial skill to learn while developing in a team.

GitHub is a web based service for version control using Git. It is a social networking site for developers, where you can look at other people's code, identify issues and even propose changes.

Git and GitHub in a NutShell.
Git is a VCS - Version Control System. What that really means is, Git helps us manage our project files. One of the primary things that git does and also the primary reason it exists is to keep track of the entire history of things that you are working on.


Git - Installing Git
Before you start using Git, you have to make it available on your computer. Even if it's already installed, it's probably a good idea to update to the latest version. You can either install it as a package or via another installer, or download the source code and compile it yourself.


GitKraken and GitHub Desktop

Usually when programmers use Git for version control of their code, they use the command-line user interface, i.e. a terminal interface from a UNIX/Linux OS. However, there are several tools that enable the use of Git easily for novices using a Graphical User Interface (GUI), enabling a point-and-click interface. Two examples of GUIs are GitHub Desktop and GitKraken.

Free Git GUI Client - Windows, Mac & Linux | GitKraken
Unleash GitKraken! Three legendary developer productivity tools: the Git GUI Client for Windows/Mac/Linux development, Glo Issue Boards for task tracking, and Timelines for communicating project milestones. Create one free GitKraken account!
GitHub Desktop
Checkout branches with pull requests and view CI statuses See all open pull requests for your repositories and check them out as if they were a local branch, even if they're from upstream branches or forks. See which pull requests pass commit status checks, too!

Practice and Tasks

First Challenge

In this challenge, you need to fork the following project into your github account, clone it, to your system, edit the cloned repository to include your namecard. After editing, commit your changes and push them to origin after pulling any possible changes made. Open a pull request when all looks good.

Fork from and Open your pull requests here for the first challenge

This repository contains your first challenge of this week. To fully accomplish this challenge you should have get successfully merged your pull request about including your namecard in it. The Web Page is live at - COPS-NameCards Fork the project to your github account Clone it in your system i.e Linux/Windows Edit the cloned repository to include your NameCard When done editing, commit your work locally and push it to origin.

Second Challenge

In this challenge,you need to implement any one algorithm on your own from the given list of algorithms. Different algorithms carry different points and your net points accumulated will be calculated.

As in the first challenge, You fork the repository from and submit pull requests here for this challenge

This repository includes your second challenge of this week. To accomplish this challenge successfully you had to get a PR(pull request) merged into this repository which includes an algorithm from the following given list. Your PR is required to have proper title and description and make sure the algorithm you will be adding must go in the proper folder.